All Times are PACIFIC, USA

Join us online in preparation for TIME TRAVEL CON!
At 11:50am Pacific / 11:50pm Eastern Lorien will kick-off the conference.

The Two Timelines – Which Will We Choose?
Join award-winning filmmaker and researcher, Frank Jacob, as he explains and explores his two time line theory. There are two primary timelines, according to Jacob, manifested from out of a sea of infinite possibilities determined by each us through our daily actions, mindsets and individual frequency resonance. One will lead to a world of transhumanism, the other to a fulfilment of humanity’s long awaited quantum evolutionary leap. Deciding which one will dominate and ultimately prevail is one of the most important issues humanity is facing right now. What are the qualities of each? How does it relate to Project Looking Glass?
In the timeline we are on now, the Cabal is racing to complete a plan more than a century old. What methods do and did they deploy to solidify the odds of their success? Can we change timelines? On the flip side, Project Looking Glass insiders saw another emerging timeline: a positive one, favouring ‘we the people’, that has been deliberately suppressed by the elites. A natural ‘Golden Age’ of consciousness expansion ensues, often described as the long-anticipated dimensional shift by ancient indigenous peoples. It would effectively end the Luciferic presence that permeates our current timeline. How do we get there? Where will we land? Once we become aware of these facts, will we gain the confidence we need to know that WE have the power to actively change our reality?

Time Slips – Stepping Between The Cracks of Reality
There’s a phenomenon called Time Slips, where people say they have travelled backwards or forwards in time. It seems impossible, but countless people over the centuries have reported bizarre experiences of other realities. Is it possible that these people were able to travel through time and space to witness past or future events? Right now science can’t explain how or why time slips can occur. Are these actual cases of “natural time travel”…or do they show that our universe and reality are completely beyond our current understanding of physics?

Time Travel in Your Garage
Three time travel devices will be presented that have sufficient description to reproduce and are known to work. None require exotic materials or undiscovered physics and can be built in your garage. In addiion, Rob will present the inner workings of the Philadelphia Experiment – but you can’t build that in your garage.

Take a break!

Living in the Time Matrix
Marshall Barnes has been more inviolved in all aspects of time travel science than anyone else outside the military/indistral complex. He will present the facts about what he knows about the science including the existence of parallel universes, that he has gathered actionable information from a parallel universe – that individuals from there have used adavced technology to spy on us here. He will also discuss to some extent the unexplained connection between the Fox TV show, Fringe, and many elements from his life.

A Discussion with Andrew Basiago: Time Travel Exposed
Lorien Fenton and Andrew will discuss his Time Travel experiences. Andy will also discuss what he views as the most significant discoveries made by Project Pegasus — one of the most important projects of the US government.

List of prizes coming soon!